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A MOUTHFUL OF EARTH – from St Mary Mede to Azincourt


A NowHeritage production.  


A play commissioned for the Great Hall, Winchester, to commemorate the

600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt, followed by a short tour to schools and significant historic places:  

St Peter’s Church, Bishop’s Waltham and Fort Nelson, Royal Armouries Museum.


First public performance on October 25th, 2015


This play is written as a long poem with dialogue for three actors.  

It tells the story of boys and men who set out on the long journey with Henry's army to take France, and found themselves laying siege to Harfleur, enduring sickness and hunger before the terrible slaughter of the final battle and the long walk home.  

The stories of women accompany their journey - the voices of those forgotten in the records of war - the mothers and sisters left behind in England, the French women starving in the siege, then displaced by royal decree, forced to leave their homes and march far away from Harfleur. The battle itself was presented as a dance; the youth of the boy dancers from Zoielogic recalled the wasted lives of the dead and touched us all.

Agincourt 2a
Agincourt 1b



Annie Sanger-Davies, actor


Jack Shaw-Downie, actor


Hannah Timms, actor


and Zoielogic, dance


Jade Dredge, stage manager and movement direction


Director:  Emma Golby-Kirk

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